Our Partners
Thrive healthcare focuses on rehabilitation after critical illness to improve their overall quality of life. Thrive provide world-class home rehabilitation service which aims to assist all their clients to thrive at their full potential.
They offer services such as
Pre/Rehabilitation & Functional Recovery After Critical Illness
Post-Joint Replacement Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of the Older Adult
Cancer Rehabilitation
GBN is a neutral organization which is independent of any church or denomination. It seeks to work with all churches and para-church organizations as strategic partners to impact the marketplace and bring about community transformation.
We seek to collaborate with partners beyond our current circle, including businesses, NGOs, marketplace professionals. Ongoing dialogue with an openness to find new ways of working together is imperative to build healthy and dynamic partnerships and collaboration.
Grateful to God for diverse partnerships across ministries within the Fellowship and in different regions, we press on to learn from one another and share resources from the Lord.