Personal Testimonies

1. How did you know had sleep apnea?
After I was admitted to the hospital, I was having breathing issues, snoring a lot, and having nightmares, at times. Dr. Hui, my Lung Doctor recommended wearing a CPAP mask at night, and I was introduced to Coach Eugene Baey for the SleepEasy Clinic.

2. Did you accept the CPAP mask well?
I did not accept it (CPAP mask) very well in the beginning. If I had a nightmare, where someone was chasing me, I tore the mask off, and threw it. Then, a nurse would come into my room, and patiently put the mask back on again. And, the next day, the Doctor and Coach Eugene would calmly tell me, it would get better in time.

3. How do you feel about the CPAP mask now?
I think it has been a tremendous help to me. I feel more rested, no longer have nightmares, breathe better at night, do not snore. 

4. Has Coach Eugene Baey been a help to you?
He certainly has been a great help. He is no longer my sleep coach, he is also my friend. He took the extra time to with Carole and I. He encouraged us and prayed with us.

5. Would you recommend others who need CPAP therapy get the overnight sleep test, to see if they need the mask?
By all means, Carole took the overnight sleep test, and if she can take it, anyone can. She is very clasutrophobic. Plus, I can vouch for it myself, so i have used a mask for quite some time now, and I know what a help it has been to me!