Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the most common sleep-related breathing disorders, yet it is often undiagnosed. It afflicts more than 20 million adult men and women around the world. People with OSA stop breathing repeatedly during sleep because their airway collapses.

Airway collapse may be due to factors such as a large tongue, extra tissue in the airway, or decreased muscle tone holding the airway open. As a result, air is prevented from getting into the lungs.

These pauses in breathing can happen 30 times or more per hour. When healthy sleep is interrupted in this way, the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and other serious health conditions may increase.

Possible Medical Conditions if left untreated

People who do not seek diagnosis and treatment for OSA may increase their risk for:

1. High Blood Pressure
2. Irregular hear rhythms or heart diseases
3. Heart Attacks
4. Stroke
5. Driving or work-related accidents.

What is the treatment for OSA?

Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Therapy is the treatment of choice for OSA. PAP therapy provides a flow of air pressure through your nose using a mask. The air pressure then prevents airway collapse, allowing you to breathe freely while you sleep. 

PAP therapy is non-invasive and can alleviate the symptoms of OSA when used as prescribed.